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Dulse Essence

Element: Water

Planet: Neptune & Moon


Dulse seaweed grows on the liminal boundary between sea and shore, a guardian at the threshold to the lonely deep waters of the subconscious mind. Expressing fractals in its morphology it also connects us to the qualities of both Neptune and the Moon. Embodying the living power of the sea, Dulse not only cleanses the energy field but shows us our unique patterns of loneliness which lead to self-abandonment within any area of interaction with others depending on birth trauma, childhood, traumatic relationship experiences and past life bleed throughs. Dulse shows us in a direct way where and how we are willing to give up aspects of our self, willing to sacrifice ourself to avoid the feeling of loneliness or hurt. In all areas of relating there are potential situations where we self-abandon, where we dissociate from inner truth and move into fear, blind panic, people pleasing and automatic trauma response. It is in these places of a lack of self that we find the beauty of our evolvement into more empowered relating with others and the natural world and it is in this place we can find an ally in Dulse.


The spirit of Dulse is an aspect of the divine masculine who gently holds us as we dive into the depths of our relationship traumas and creates the opportunity in our external world for healing and rebalance.


Indications: Self-neglect, conflict avoidant, fear of intimacy, issues in relating.


Supportive of:

 - Space holding

 - Trauma release

 - Hidden heart wall

 - Sacred sexuality



Water, Brandy (50/50) and the imprint of the consciousness of Palmaria palmata


30ml stock strength

Dulse Essence

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